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WARNING: this is about situational thinking not suicide.

          Before you reach for your conclusion by a narrow view, Does not the Bible say, " There is a time and season for every purpose under heaven" (Ecclesiates 3:1)? Remember the word purpose. As there is a time to lie, which you may reject, but think, we lie to get Bibles into Bible rejecting countries, we lie to protect people from evil like Hitler against the Jews, like the TenBooms (lying about the Jews they housed). Wouldn't you lie to an intruder, were your family in the home, if the family were to be in danger? The midwives and Rahab lied to leaders, so to protect God's people. (Exodus and Joshua)

     Can you think of a time in purpose it maybe the right thing? Jesus did the Father's will and His will and purpose to give all men salvation. Can you think of issues or purposes, when it is the right thing to do? Why do you lock doors and secure your home? Because of theft or harm from others, you even may want to be armed. Why do you have a plan to escape home in case of emergency, or have a first aid kit. These are all situational issues. You plan and prepare for situations which may or may not occur. Hopefully they will not, but it is good to think about it, so you are prepared. Especially in evil times.

    This is a matter of doing what is right, whomever knows to do right and doesn't do it sins. There is a time or purpose to break the speed limit, if you were the only means to get an injured or dying person to help. There is a time to kill if you have to stop a killing, or to protect someone. Millions of times a year a good person with a gun stops a crime or evil act. That is what doing what is right is all about, there is evil and evil must not prevail in society, otherwise chaos and wickedness rules. Crimes of theft, rape, murder, genocide, human trafficking must be stopped and punished.

     I will state right here, suicide is wrong, when not to trust in Christ, or fear of justice or consequences for evil or wrongs. If you were to avoid persecution for doing what is right by suicide is to forget the greater glory for God by standing for Gods truth.

    There is a time to take one's own life. One: is when you have to chose to die for the lives of others, it may be the supplies of food to person or persons who have a chance to live if there wasn't enough food, and ones death can give that supply. Second: could be the issue of suicide, because a person is dying and is holding back the safety or deliverance of persons or persons from evil, like a mother not strong enough to climb a mountain but knows that her husband and children will die if caught by the enemy. She chooses to die, so not to slow them down for getting to protection. It could be the issue of dying so not to burden the rest of family of taking out debt, because of sickness leading to death, a cancer? Sometimes debt is the reason people sold their children into slavery because the parents indebted themselves because of such

    Masada suicides wasn't about suicide it was about freedom, and not allowing the Romans to have power, and glory over them. The Romans would have killed the men, or would have policed or marched them in a fanfare to cause others to fear and to shame the people of Israel. They would have become a public spectacle and Masada stole the Romans glory. Rome and governments love to show their power to intimidate the people to submission other than through reason. Hitlers Germany did that in marching the Jews and anyone opposed to them to trains, to imprisonment or camps. The only way to have victory is to show you have the fortitude, the secure being within, knowing right and wrong and being to stand head high knowing you do this for righteousness and no matter what, no one is going to steal that from you.

     A group of people work in the resistance against German tyranny and one of them is a quisling, or a traitor, who cannot handle the pain of torture. In attempt to secure the mission to liberate, or keep from snitching by torture, the quisling commits suicide, so those in
the resistance know they can continue their mission without fear.

    How does the conscience work? Even though I know I am forgiven, washed by the blood of Christ and positioned in Christ. My conscience doesn't bother because of sin, but maybe it is my heart that bothers me. I look at the evil of this nation, I have asked, "what if Hitler and the evil was going on in USA"? More than 600,000 lives died to get rid of the evil of slavery. We have a new type of slavery now (Gov't subsudies). Though for 50 years, who died to save 63 million lives. I understand we couldn't and didn't stop Russian and Chinese slaughter of millions, for they are sovereign nations. We just saw a million plus US citizens murdered by lies of mask, Covid, therapeutics, and vaccines and more.

     These are real issues and situations. People would have false poisoned tooth or a pill to kill themselves if caught, and everyone knows the weakness of man to give up information if tortured. It is hard to choose such an issue. If I were in a boat with others, stranded at sea with little rations I would give my life for their survival. I would also give me life, if in a prison camp, it meant that I had to work for the enemy, to work to make their bombs or provide resources so they can kill my countrymen, though I do have to think about hindering their resources.

Remember this is situational thinking.

   It is worth dying for freedom, not to feed the evil of society. This nation's founding fathers put their signatures knowing they could be shot or hung for treason to Great Britain and that was thwarted by American Victory. Corrie Ten Boon lost her father and sister to Nazi camps to die. They could have avoided being part of the resistance, but chose to sacrifice their lives for what is right to save innocent Jews. Many types of stories have been done for the lives of others. The French, Polish and Norwegian resistances. Jesus was the greatest witness of resistance to sin and the world, since his sacrifice is our salvation.

PERSONAL NOTE: I have one regret in life, my sin before God and man, I have great pride also because I chose not to steal from my neighbor even thru the Government. I have lived a righteous life before man and only guilt is my sin before God. So no matter what happens to me, I fought the good fight. no one should mourn my death, but rejoice in my entry into paradise, like the thief on the cross. 


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